
Importance of Diamond Clarity in Engagement Rings, Denver

The thought of diamonds brings up images of everything opulent. These gleaming and enticing jewels are frequently referred to as the pinnacle of perfection. And they’ve become the go-to jewel for everyone who wants to appear stunning.

There is no doubt about that. It is the toughest gemstone on the planet & the most organized kind of carbon. You can’t even begin to express its beauty & radiance. However, this is insufficient when purchasing diamond engagement rings in Denver, whether online or in person. You, on either hand, should be familiar with the basics of this gemstone.

Experienced diamond collectors, investors & buyers understand what makes these rare jewels so valuable. They place a premium on the 4 Cs of diamonds. The 4 Cs that define the value of diamonds is color, carat, clarity & cut. While the color, carat & cut are not difficult to detect, it takes a keen eye to notice how clarity impacts the beauty and price of diamonds. Here’s all you need to know regarding diamond clarity.

What is a diamond’s clarity?

Diamonds, as you may know, are composed of carbon. They are, in fact, the most concentrated type of carbon accessible to humans. Natural diamonds develop over millions of years. They are subjected to high pressure & heat inside the earth’s mantle. The vast majority of naturally existing diamonds contain faults or blemishes.

These defects include various quantities of scars & inclusions just on the surface of diamonds known as blemishes. Internal characteristics trapped within it during its development are referred to as inclusions. Diamonds are extremely difficult to come across in pristine and excellent condition. As a result, they are also quite costly. Diamond scars and inclusions represent nature’s birthmarks. These are the characteristics that distinguish these gemstones.

So, what do all these flaws & inclusions have to do with a diamond’s clarity? Simply defined, a diamond’s clarity relates to how pure it is. It is the measure used to assess a diamond’s aesthetic appearance. If you want the best engagement rings, Denver, then you can blindly visit Little ton fine jewelry.

Flaws, Clarity, & Price

Remember that the clarity of diamond engagement rings, Denver, bangles, necklaces, earrings, and other jewelry is inversely related to defects. That is, the lower the number of defects, the better the clarity rating of a diamond. The clarity of diamonds can also have a significant influence on their value. Even though they have the same carat value, color, & cut, a diamond with excellent clarity is far more expensive than the one with poor clarity. Most inclusions & defects, however, are invisible to the human eye.

Many variables impact the purity of a diamond. Key characteristics include the quantity, size &color of the inclusion. It may also vary depending on how obvious the inclusion is. Similarly, the purity of diamonds is determined by their orientation & position.

The Diamond Clarity Chart Explained

Every diamond engagement ring, Denver is one-of-a-kind. Their flaws are as well. Because the defects are usually tiny, gemmologists analyze diamonds under magnifications of up to 10x. And they do it while maintaining the diamond facing up. If a flaw, as well as inclusion, is not apparent while viewing the diamonds from the top, the clarity grade cannot be determined. As a result, specialists employ loupes and microscopes to examine the kind, position, & size of all inclusions.

Using a 10x magnification, skilled graders identify several clarity features. On diamond plots, they trace the positions of the flaws in the very same way. These plots are miniature maps of individual diamonds. They aid in the classification of each diamond. Each diamond has a unique interior design. This implies that no 2 diamonds are the same. And the diamond layouts act like fingerprints, assisting in the identification of each unique diamond.

On a diamond clarity chart, gemologists evaluate the findings of the study. The following are the several grades on this chart & their characteristics:

FL & IF – Internally Flawless, Flawless

These diamonds are, as the name implies, perfect. When viewing a diamond with such clarity, 10 x magnifications reveal no internal imperfections. Such diamonds, however, might or might not have surface defects or blemishes.

VVS1 & VVS2 – Included Very Slightly

This rating indicates that there are just a few inclusions that are difficult to discern even under 10x magnification. Inclusions in VVS1 stones are noticeable from the bottom-up perspective, whereas inclusions in VVS2 diamonds are visible from the face-up view.

VS1 & VS2 – Very Slightly Included

This clarity rating is given to diamonds when tiny inclusions, like crystals of many other elements, are visible under 10x magnification. You have to look extremely hard to notice these flaws. The earlier VS1 has a higher clarity rating than the latter.

SI1, SI2, & SI3 – Slightly Included

The diamonds with visible inclusions under magnification rank this low just on the clarity scale.

I1, I2, & I3 – Included

These diamonds have visible inclusions. The flaws in such diamonds may be seen at 10x magnification or, in some cases, with the naked human eye. Such diamonds often have low visibility & lack sparkle.

Which Clarity Rating Should You Select?

You need to keep a few factors in mind while choosing a diamond with the appropriate clarity rating. First and foremost, do you want a diamond without any inclusions? Or can you live with a minimal quantity of them? If so, select one with FL-IF or indeed any VVS rating. They will become more expensive than some other diamonds grade, but they’ll be of exceptional quality. They also appear to be near-perfect.

Diamond engagement rings in Denver with the VS purity rating are less expensive than those with the top clarity rating, but they’re also high-quality stones. However, if you want to save money, you might choose an SI-rated diamond. You must ensure that inclusions are not evident in this case. Choose diamonds in the SI3 or I1 category if you want a larger carat weight at a lesser price.


Without question, understanding the notion of diamond purity is indeed the key to receiving the most out of investments & purchases. You may put your newfound knowledge to good use by negotiating better prices on your next shopping trip. It is also useful while searching for gems to invest in.

Call to action:

Are you looking for a beautiful engagement ring for your sweetheart? For engagement rings in Denver, go no further than Littleton Fine Jewelry. We are among Denver’s top jewelry stores, offering bespoke engagement rings, exquisite jewelry, and a variety of services like cleaning, polishing, & adjustments. We offer full-scale jewelry solutions at one location. For additional information, please contact us at (303) 794-4310.

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