
Why Is Plantar Fasciitis Is Also Called Policeman’s Heel?

Did you know that Plantar Fasciitis is also known as the Policeman’s Heel? There are several reasons for it and one of them is that its very common in cops. Plantar Fasciitis is a foot condition that results in chronic pain in the foot area. It is a very common foot problem, especially in people who have to stand a lot of time due to work or otherwise.

Its not something very serious but needs care. Plantar Fasciitis pain relief can be achieved through medication, exercise and foot massage. But it is important that you see a doctor if you suspect that you have Plantar Fasciitis.

Here is everything you need to know about what is Plantar Fasciitis and why its called Policeman’s heel.

Why Policeman’s Heel?

Traditionally, cops used to patrol their neighborhoods on foot. They had to be on their feet for hours at a time. This took a toll on heels of the foot and hence the pain. This is the reason why Doctors called it policeman’s foot syndrome or Policeman’s Heel. Technically, it is called Plantar Fasciitis. It is a foot condition where inflammation occurs in the tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes.The tissue is called plantar fascia and hence the name.

The condition is very common in people who have to stand on their feet for a long time. The pain can make walking, standing and even sitting for a long time, difficult. Good news is that its not always permanent in nature and with little care, you will be able to reduce pain and discomfort from the foot.

How To Recognize Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is easy to diagnose. You can do it yourself, but its recommended to get t confirmed by a doctor. Standing for a long period of time s one of the primary reasons for the condition. Although, walking and staying on the feet for hours at a stretch is another reason for it.

If your job requires you to stand for a long time and you feel a sharp and stabbing pain n your foot, you might have Plantar Fasciitis. The pain can be intense when you rise after sitting or sleeping. In some cases, the pain might go away after some time. In many cases, the condition can lead to foot pain from time to time.

How to Manage Plantar Fasciitis Foot Pain

There are several effective ways to deal with Plantar Fasciitis foot pain. It is important to get proper diagnosis so that its confirmed that you have Plantar Fasciitis. Once that is confirmed you can proceed to the treatment. Usually, medication helps in pain relief. But you can also try other Plantar Fasciitis pain relief methods.

Here are some effective pain management tips:

  1. Using a Foot Massager

A simple foot massage can help you reduce pain and discomfort from the foot area. You can either go to a spa or use a simple massage tool like Foot Log. All you have to do is roll Foot Log massage tool under your feet. It will relax your muscles and improve circulation. This will help you reduce foot pain. It will also help reduce muscle stiffness. You can use the massage tool everyday and anywhere. It is a simple but effective tool.

  • Stretches and Exercises

Stretching and physical activity can also help reduce foot pain. Make sure that you don’t put too much stress on the foot. Gentle stretching can help reduce foot pain by improving circulation and relaxing the muscles. In Plantar Fasciitis, the foot muscles get overworked. They need rest and relaxation. With little bit of stretching, you will feel a great deal of foot pain relief.

  • Take care of your Feet

While at work, make sure to take rests via timeouts. Sit whenever you can, rest and take a day off to give your foot some off time. At the same time, keep your feel clean and use creams to keep it moisturized. You can also soak your feet in warm water with some salt to relax the tired muscles. Taking a good care of the feet will definitely show some great results and bring foot pain relief.

The Bottom Line

Plantar Fasciitis is also known as Policeman’s Heel as it affects the foot heels tissues. It causes foot pain due to standing for a long time. With a plantar fasciitis pain relief massage tool, medication and care, you can easily overcome the pain.

Foot Log is an easy to use tool and is based on evidence. Try it to see the difference it can make to your foot pain. You can easily order it online at a very affordable price.

Checkout Foot Log here –

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